Nugget in a Biscuit
Nugget in a biscuit biscuit
Thumbnail of Nugget in a Biscuit
Released September 12, 2011
Made by Toby Turner
Animated by Gonzalo Villagomez (GonzoSSM)
Music by TeraBrite

Nuggetin a Biscuit is a song made by Toby Turner, animated by Gonzalo Villagomez (GonzoSSM) and music by TeraBrite



Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit.

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit.

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit.

Dip it in the mashed potatoes!

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit.

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit.

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit.

Dip it in the mashed potatoes!

Dip it in the mashed potatoes

And dip the mashed potato covered

chicken nugget biscuit in the BBQ sauce


Yum, yum, gimme!

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit.

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit.

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit.

Dip it in the mashed potatoes!

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit.

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit.

Nugget, biscuit, nugget in a biscuit.

Dip it in the mashed potatoes!

Dip it in the mashed potatoes

And dip the mashed potato covered

chicken nugget biscuit in the BBQ sauce


Yum, yum, gimme!



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